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Title Waiting for complete cure
Posted by KIP Treatment Center (ip:)
  • Date 2022-05-02
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It has been about 2 years since I started KIP Treatment. I knew that something was wrong with my life. I applied for the treatment program in 3 days after watching Mr. Kim's Youtube videos. On the day I visited the office the first time, I had to wait for a couple to finish their conference. I saw them leaving the office smiling at each other and I thought maybe one day, I could be able to do so. 

I tried really hard to treat myself. I thought I would do well and finish earlier than other people by vigorously listening to the voice recording and doing therapeutic tasks. I focused on all the therapeutic tasks. I was once diagnosed for wound dissociation and got immersed into career. I still paid attention to my husband and had mood swing. Then, I focused more on the voice recording. I wanted to treat myself badly and I was a little anxious. 

One year passed, and then 2 years passed. Now, I know that treating women's mind takes time. It didn't go as fast as I had hoped. Now, I feel composed and just fine. I know that not Mr. Kim or my husband but only I myself can treat my condition. I am the only one who can decide the path of life and I am just waiting calmly. 

I am applying Mother Therapy these days and my daughter and I get along much better with each other. I am surprised that it works so well and stimulating one side results in changes in the opposite side. I hope that my daughter will take Youth Mind Training soon. I can see how I will proceed with my career and pursue economic value. I can also see how I will form relationships with other people, which I was never good at in the past. I am busy these days but I feel composed. I keep doing all the therapeutic tasks waiting for complete cure. 

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