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Title The path of happiness
Posted by KIP Treatment Center (ip:)
  • Date 2022-03-22
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I am a member of KIP Treatment Program who is going really slowly like a tortoise. 

Wow, I have been walking for almost 3 years now. 

Writing this review, I reflect upon my past days and remember the day I started the program. Before I started the treatment, I used to watch Youtube videos provided by KIP on and on for days. It made me feel better temporarily, but soon I went back to pain and stuffiness, and continued to have abnormal sexual desire. I tried other counseling programs but I soon learned that they didn't work.

One day, it suddenly occurred to me that I was not supposed to become dependent on anything. Then, I didn't hesitate to apply for KIP Treatment Program. I asked my son to escort me to visit Seoul office a few times. I began to experience feelings of happiness as I took Mind Training for some time. 

I thought I would be cured by just taking the training and doing therapeutic tasks, but I also had to keep continuing with the treatment in daily life. It was hard at first and I sometimes regretted taking the program. 

There were times when I wanted to quit , but I kept going. I decided to make efforts for myself and my family. Then, I began to see hope and build some confidence, and gradually overcame the tendency for dependency. 

These days, I feel composed, I can console myself, I am thankful, and I am proud of myself for treating myself and recovering. I praise myself for taking KIP Treatment, which is one of the best things I have done in my life.

I naturally express myself and perceive sensory information through all five senses. My past experiences have become old memories as if I had watched a movie. I plan to keep going for complete recovery and true happiness. The result of the treatment was worth all my time, effort, and expense. It is just that you will never know until you actually do it. 

If you are suffering from post traumatic stress, please, understand the seriousness of the condition and start building happiness ability for yourself and your family. 

We choose the path of happiness individually but we can walk together on the path. 

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