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FAQ on how to use the treatment center

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Title I cannot understand that psychology treatment is possible without counseling.
Posted by KIP Treatment Center (ip:)
  • Date 2021-03-30
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People are accustomed to getting counseling when they have problems in psychology. Also, most information available seems to encourage you to take counseling.  

However, upon analyzing the data on psychology counseling and developing the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind and psychology treatment methods, it has been discovered that psychology counseling cannot solve psychological problems, and it more likely causes adverse effects on psychology by aggravating wounds and psychological disorders. 

Applying only treatment training has been proved to be effective enough to treat psychological disorders with high success rates. Many cases have proved that proper treatment methods can lead to wound treatment, psychology treatment, and building happiness ability without recurrence of psychological disorders or the development of other psychological disorders. 

There are a few reasons why conventional counseling is not effective for wound treatment and psychology treatment. 

1. Forming rapport with the counselor causes dependency and grows wounds leading to the aggravation of psychological disorders. 

   (For example, treating depression causes developing addiction)

2. Analyzing family history, growth process, and past wounds interfere with wound treatment and lead to the adverse effect of self-justification 

    accompanied by suppression and compulsion.

3. Psychology testing only analyze psychology in a superficial way, and counseling based on psychology testing also addresses the issues in a     superficial way interfering with psychology treatment in a true sense. 

There are many other problems of conventional psychology counseling in addition to the ones described above, so psychology counseling is strongly recommended against for psychology treatment. 

KIP Psychology Treatment informs you of the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and guide you to wound treatment and psychology treatment along with building happiness ability. 

KIP Psychology Treatment treats psychological disorders regardless of the types by applying the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. It is a novel and innovative treatment method of psychology. Many people who have taken KIP Psychology Treatment say they cannot believe that they have recovered their psychology and built happiness ability. 

E-mail : uip@uip.ac

Blog : https://kipmind.blogspot.com/

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