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Title Mind Training : The core component of KIP Psychology Treatment Training
Posted by KIP Treatment Center (ip:)
  • Date 2021-06-03
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[Mind Training : The core component of KIP Psychology Treatment Training]

KIP Psychology Treatment Training consists of 4 components : 1) Mind Training, 2) Therapeutic tasks,  3) Self-check on progress, 4) Viewing reference materials, in order to build inside you abilities to treat and prevent psychological disorders and build happiness. All 4 components are necessary to complete the program with maximum efficacy, and Mind Training is proceeded with viewing video contents on the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology.  

Imagine you have to walk on the road covering your eyes and ears and only depending on the sense of smell and taste. You may have to pass bushes and puddles, and dead ends and cliffs, and mountains and valleys. It would be a pretty tough situation. What would happen when you are so convinced about your ability to maneuver your journey only with the sense of smell and taste? Then, does it mean that you need to just sit and wait for how long you never know until someone comes to help you with your journey? 

You life belongs only to yourself. No one else can choose or decide for you. You must take charge of your own life with your eyes and ears open. Mind Training will help you open your eyes and ears so that you can manage your life independently without being swayed by other people or external factors. Once you accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology, you will be able to judge and decide for yourself and live the kind of life you want for happiness of yours and your loved ones. 

Mind Training is different from conventional methods of counseling, coaching, mentoring, or religious activities. It provides you with principles of life and relationships in a straightforward and scientific way. The first 5 weeks that you spend for Mind Training may be a major turning point in your whole life. 

Inquiries : uip@uip.ac

[For more reference materials : https://kipmind.blogspot.com]


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